This magic plan worked wonders for me and I began to see results after two days. It involved the following three basics premises.
Dry Skin Rash Plan # 1) I cured my eczema in 16 days by tossing out the Junk - On the morning of Day One I went into my kitchen and tossed out all the junk food from my cupboards and refrigerator. Junk foods are destructive to the body because of the processing they go through to produce them. Junk foods contain chemicals, preservatives and go through irradiation or are genetically modified. I threw away loads of containers, packets and boxes of coffee, tea, white sugar, dairy products, all red meats, cakes, cookies, cooking oil and salty snacks. My kitchen was now junk food free.
Dry Skin Rash Plan # 2) I cured my eczema in 16 days by creating a new menu - The second thing I did was create a menu that would ensure that 75% of all the foods I eat were raw. Raw foods are life-enhancing, high energy foods and are full to bursting with enzymes. Raw foods tend to revitalise, strengthen, regenerate and enhance the body which would manifest in the growth of healthy new skin. This new daily menu included two raw vegetables juices, a large raw salad topped with seeds and sprouts, ample fruits and steamed vegetables and at least five glasses of purified water. My eczema skin needed to be fed good wholesome foods which would be dramatically change its condition.
Dry Skin Rash Plan # 3) I cured my eczema in 16 days by taking badly needed supplements. The supplements I purchased included Vitamin A and C to strengthen the skin; Vitamin E to improve the pace of healing and a multivitamin, multi-mineral supplement which contained magnesium and zinc. I also purchased some flax seed oil to pour over my daily salad. Flax seed oil is an excellent source of omega 3 and omega 6.
Dry Skin Rash Plan # 4) I cured my eczema in 16 days by introducing some Superfoods. Superfoods are foods that are packed to bursting with enzymes and nutrients and are a must for good health. The Superfoods I purchased included Aloe Vera, Wheatgrass juice and Wild Blue Green Algae. These foods totally transformed the condition of my skin and can be purchased at any good health store.
After two days, as I stated above, I began to see and feel a difference in my skin. I continued with the food plan and by Day 16 my eczema was all clear. All the wounds had healed and I no longer felt the urge to continually scratch.
Ever since I followed this plan, I have not had one day where I have scratched at my skin. I have no rash and my general health has greatly improved too. I would say that I am leaving an ultra healthy lifestyle and I love it.
Janet R Simpson is a writer and health reporter. Her FREE weekly newsletter gives “how to” tips to cure your eczema and maintain ultra healthly and beautiful skin using only natural products.
Subscribe today at: http://www.cureyoureczema.com
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Dry-Skin-Rash---How-I-Cured-My-Eczema-In-16-Days&id=533450] Dry Skin Rash - How I Cured My Eczema In 16 Days