It has been referred to as nature's most complete food and has many health benefits. Is a great protein alternative for vegetarians as it consists of 65% easily digestible protein.
Spirulina (or blue green algae) also provides tremendous amounts of vitamins, minerals and nucleic acids as well as 10 out of the 12 non-essential amino acids. It is also high in vitamin B-12, essential fatty acids and iron. Spirulina also has 10 times the power of beta-carotene which we get from carrots and produces 20 times as much protein as soybeans growing on an equal-sized area of land.
It also contains active enzymes which help our digestive system to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Spirulina provides much needed iron for women and children's health. Iron is essential to build a strong body, yet is the most deficient mineral found in many people. Spirulina is a great source of iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than traditional iron supplements.
Spirulina As A Treatment For Chronic Disease
Spirulina has been known to have positive effects on people with chronic disease. It has been used in the treatment of diabetes, anemia, liver disease, ulcers, allergies, radiation poisoning, chemical poisoning and senility. For those with hypoglycemia, it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Spirulina Assists With Cleansing and Weight Loss
Spirulina is also very beneficial to people who cleanse or fast regularly. because it supplies nutrients which help the body to cleanse and heal while at the same time curbing the appetite. The amino acid structure of spirulina may influence neurotransmitters in the brain, in particular those which control appetite, ambition and mood.

Millions of people starve to death each year and spirulina grows in such abundance that it could help to solve world hunger. So many of our own children here in North America go to bed under nourished and yet the answers to nourishment are all around us.
Tracy Matthewman is part of a team of people dedicated to helping other have total wellness and health in their lives. To find out more about an Isagenix product called "Greens" which does include spirulina, contact Tracy at her [http://www.isalife.com]Isagenix Review site.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Health-Benefits-of-Spirulina---Blue-Green-Algae&id=2155850] Health Benefits of Spirulina - Blue Green Algae